MXC-64UL / BF One that can handle finesse rigs such as Smoraba, Jighead Wacky, Nekorig, and Light Texas, which were mainly used for spinning. The sharp blank, which is not only soft but also has a core, enables a tight approach to the cover.
MXC-65L / BF A model that can handle not only smoraba and light rigs but also plugs such as shad and lightweight minnow. He is also good at capturing from the surface layer with I-shaped minnows and insect patterns just below the water surface. One of the most bait and spinning goodies in the series.
MXC-68ML / BF Versatile bait finesse model for lightweight to medium weight lures. With a length that allows long casting, it is ideal not only for cover games but also for winding fishing. The small-diameter guide setting makes it feel good to have a sharp swing-off feeling that is particular about the cast feel.
MXC-69M / BF I want you to cast the lure that was used in the conventional bait model sharper and lighter with this rod. You can experience a different level of cast feel and ultra-high sensitivity created by the small-diameter guide setting and the skeleton type specially designed reel seat.

Guide concept for bait casting model

All K-series titunium frame and Sic ring.


Original reel seat

for bait casting model