JB Atsushi Kawamata supervised by a professional. 1 piece tubular model.
Based on the TVS-61UL, it has a wide range of specifications and flight characteristics that can handle a wide range of light rigs .
JB Atsushi Kawamata supervised by a professional. 1 piece tubular model. Based on the TVS-61UL, it has a wide range of specifications and flight characteristics that can handle a wide range of light rigs.
Even with a soft tip, it is possible to float freely using the stroke even with a large resistance wackie rig, and it is also adjusted to the suspended tendency bus.
We cope with kicker who rushes to the structure with high sensitivity tip which catches such a biting part and berry & bat with a sense of hang and plus.

No sinker, jig head, jig head wacky, cat rig, smorava

ROD No. | length | power | action | rear grip length |
line | lure | weight | blank material |
tip dia | butt dia | price ¥ |
TVS-64L | 6’4 “ | Light | Fast | 200 mm | 2-6 Lb. (Fluoro) | 1 / 32-3 / 16 oz | 78g | 30t + 40t Graphite |
1.4 mm | 9.1 mm | 48,000 + tax |