“We want to cast the lure as it is aimed! We want to hang the catfish’s bite firmly and firmly!” A special rod series that embodies the basic performance sought by everyone at a high level is the “NAZZY CHOICE”.

Asparagus color based on the cool green, which has redesigned the popular NAC-66M and NAC-70M.

Furthermore, as a new addition model “NAC-62ML ASPARAGUS” lineup.
Equipped with a precise cast control and a soft tip for moving lure, it is the appearance of a “meal” rod that is focused on performance until the cat’s bite is pulled out.

Standard type in pursuit of balance. It enables pinpoint casting in small waterways and can be approached more technically.

A long rod with enhanced obstacle avoidance performance utilizing NAC-70M ASPARAGUS long-throw performance and length. You will gain big advantage in small to medium-sized rivers.