Avail Microcast Spool ALD0950RR (The spool rim level is 5.0mm)
This model is for 09ALDEBARAN Mg,10 Scorpion XT 1000 series.
It’s helpful to improve casting distance with a ultra light weight lure.
We have also reviewed the rim’s shape and have modified it to prevent line from getting stuck in.
Just try this amazing lightweight spool !
| Spool colors
| Spec
| Compatibility
10 Scorpion XT 1000,1001
| Weight
Microcast Spool ALD0950RR : approx. 6.8g
(including 4P-ALD09)
<Weight of genuine spool> : approx. 11.2g
(including SVS)
| Line capacity
ALD0950RR : 12Lb-90m / 14Lb-75m
* The numerical value mentioned above is the result of measuring by winding nylon line up to the edge of the spool rim.
Please Note:
Many of the descriptions have been translated using Google translate. jdmfishing.com has modified some of these to better accommodate the reader and will continue to improve upon this as we move forward.